If you couldn't tell from my last post, I had a
very bad day yesterday. So last night, as I was drifting off to sleep, I told myself that today, I was not going to do
ANYTHING. I'm taking the day off. I planned on sleeping in, snacking all day, sitting down at the computer and just playing Castleville and World of Warcraft. When hubby got home, he could make dinner. The only chore I was going to do was make sure the kids were taken care of. That was it.
So here's how my day has gone. (Pay attention and see if you can pick up on what I
just realized before typing this.)
I woke up early to hear one of my kids crying. It was much earlier than I had planned to wake up, so I took him out of his crib and laid him down beside me in my bed. That seemed to be all he wanted, and the moment his head touched the pillow he was out again. I fell back asleep for a few more hours, until he had woken up again and was pulling my hair to tell me "mommy, it's time to get up."
So I got up, and looked at the time. It was around 11am.
I had succeeded in sleeping in! Mission accomplished. On to my next mission: do nothing all day long.
"What can I get into today?" | |
The first thing I did was make my bed. At least to give the illusion that I did something. I got my son changed and dressed so he would be ready for the day, and right about then my older son wakes up. So I also get him changed and dressed, and I get them both something to drink. I used clean cups from the dish strainer, and went ahead and put away all the other dishes that were now dry. I realize it's too close to lunch time to get them breakfast, and I'm a bit hungry anyways, so I go in the kitchen and make us all sandwiches. They LOVE peanut butter and jelly, especially the Smucker's Goober stuff, that's both peanut butter and jelly swirled together in one jar. While I'm there I decide that instead of dirtying another knife, I will wash one from the sink really quick, and I went ahead and washed a few more dishes. Before leaving the kitchen I wiped down the counter, prepared the coffee pot for hubby in the morning, and folded the high chair.
"I'll help you do the laundry mom... right after my nap..." |
We sit down in the bedroom to eat our lunch, since that is where I planned on being all day. I turn on my computer and bring up Facebook, casually looking through anything my friends have posted over the last 12 hours. There were some toys scattered about though, and the floor was a bit dirty, so in between posts I put the toys in the boys' room and I sweep up real quick. When I turn back to the computer desk I realize that it's a bit cluttered, so I clear away anything that we pulled out and was too lazy to put away afterwards (cups, movies, papers, etc). The boys were pulling things out of the dresser by this time (trying to get dressed, even though I had already dressed them for the day), so I picked those up and put the boys in their room... which I then straightened up as well so they had more playspace.
Only after the boys were settled in their room did I finally sit down at the computer once more, this time preparing to get started on my gaming. I have yet to log into a single game, because it was about this time that I had a major realization.
* * * * * * * *
I planned today to be my day off. Before I knew it I had done dishes, folded laundry, cleaned and swept the bedrooms, made the beds, changed and dressed the kids, prepared lunch, got the coffeemaker ready for the morning, cleaned up after lunch, and reorganized the computer desk.
Some day off, huh? I guess for a mommy, it just never ends. Oh well. ♥
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