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Monday, August 20, 2012

A Few Things My Son Says Lately

My son David says the strangest things sometimes. And some of the funniest things, too. He's just over three years old, and for the longest time he had trouble speaking. Well, not so much that he had trouble with it, as that he just didn't want to talk. He barely spoke at all, and only basic words or sounds. I was starting to get worried, until just last month during a trip to Utah to visit my dad. David was suddenly saying grandpa and grandma (both of which did sound something like "gran pop pop") and the words just started to flow from there.

In the past month, David has become a parrot, repeating everything he hears. A few things he says that I love hearing, that I am proud of him for:

  • When I ask what he wants to drink, he will answer with either "milk", "juice", or "tea". When I ask what kind of juice and tell him what colors we have, he will say which color he wants. Every once in a while he will ask for a Coke, and I occasionally tell him to go get me one and I"ll open it. He goes to the back refrigerator, gets a Coke, and brings it to me.
  •  When the boys are playing outside and it's time to come in, I will call David and he will come up to the front door, but he won't come inside yet. He stands there calling "Levi! Come in!" until his little brother has made it to the door first, then lets Levi in before coming inside himself.
  • When he wants something, 80% of the time he remembers to ask "please". Every time we give him something, he says "thank you."
  • Whenever someone gets hurt or says "ow", David will ask "Are you okay?" a million times until you reply "yes". If you say no, that it still hurts, he will lean down and kiss your boo-boo then ask you again if you are okay. He will do this until you finally do say yes. If he is hurt and you ask if he's okay, he will either hold the body part up to be kissed, or he will reply, "Yeah, I'm okay."
  • He loves his grandma and grandpa, who we refer to as Memaw and Grandpa Bobby. At any random point in the day, David will stop what he's doing and look at me, and ask "Where's meemee and granpop pop Bobby?" To which I reply, "They're at work sweetie." And he says, "Oh. They're at work."
Of course, as he learns about things in life, he begins to put things together on his own. Which then leads to some hilarious conversations:

  •  David, while pointing to a picture of characters from Winnie the Pooh: "What's that?" Me: "That's Tigger, he's a tiger. And that bear is Winnie the Pooh." David: "Oh. Mommy look! Poop!"
  • A few weeks ago, Mike went outside to work on something. David asks me, "Where's Daddy?" I said, "Daddy went outside to work, he'll be back in soon." David says "Oh." Then a few minutes later he comes walking up to the front door saying "I'm going to work! Bye!"
  • Both of my boys love music. When we're in the truck, I plug in my iPod and the boys will be in the back seat bobbing their heads and trying to wiggle around in an attempt to dance while strapped into a car seat. Sometimes, David starts trying to sing along to the songs, and it's adorable. He will say the verse that just ended, and it forms somewhat of a "music in the round" version of every song. I love when I play Hey Jude by the Beatles, because when they get to the "naaa na na nanana na, nanana na, Hey Jude" part of the song, he sings it flawlessly.
  • This one is more of both boys, and no words, but it's too priceless not to include it. The other day in the truck, we were listening to a Sam Tsui cover version of Nelly's song "Just a Dream". I had been glancing at the boys in the rear-view mirror every few minutes just because I knew they were dancing and singing along, and I love watching them. There is a part of the song where he sings, "if you've ever loved somebody put your hands up" like 4 times in a row. After such a part, I glanced at them in time to see both boys grinning from ear to ear, with their arms above their heads "putting their hands up".
  • I have a few different text message notification ringtones on my phone, one of which is a Lonely Island clip that says "Like a Boss!" Every time I get a text message with that ringtone, David repeats "Like a Boss!" Then I say "Are you a boss?!" and he answers, "Yeah, I'm a boss!"
  • And of course, the hubby has discovered a new trick as well. David knows that the back fridge is where we keep the drinks, and he knows what a beer bottle looks like, because when he sees one, we tell him it's beer and that it's for grown ups (then I try to offer him juice or something so he knows he has his own drink). If David sees a beer bottle, he says "Oh, beer!" and if someone were to say "Hey David, can you please get me a beer?" he will! I'm so glad he can't open a bottle yet, because on that day, the back fridge will be getting a lock on it... maybe it's time to find a beer-fetching dog, like in that commercial.

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