My mind went into overdrive. I split that snake in three places, then without even checking to be sure it was dead, I rushed into the house, where David was now crying pretty intensely. I inspected every inch of his skin, and found what looked like watered down blood on his left foot, between his toes. I couldn't see a bite mark, but the blood was a sign of definite contact. I threw David into the bathtub, diaper and all, and washed his legs and feet (had to make sure there weren't more bites). When I took him out of the tub 15 seconds later, I looked where the blood had been and discovered very small puncture wounds, with the immediate surrounding area being swollen and white. Without another thought, I called my husband to let him know to meet us as the hospital, that we were headed to Hillcrest ER. Within five minutes, I had both of my boys in carseats, I checked my car's reservoir to ensure there was water in the radiator, and we were gone and down the driveway. I didnt even grab my wallet. Hell, I barely thought to grab my phone.
On the way to the hospital, I was speeding. I was going nearly 80 MPH on a 60 MPH highway. I first called my friend (who lives quite a long drive away) to tell him what had happened, then I called 911. Now, I have always known to call 911 in case of an emergency, but I have been afraid I wouldn't know what to do or say. Luckily, the operators are amazing at what they do. I was told to pull the car over, and attempt to calm my son down while the ambulance was on the way. By this point, he was screaming and would not sit still. The ambulance was there in about 10 minutes.They took him away, and I had to follow behind in my car (at the speed limit). I was told to take my time and get there when I get there. I still went 65.
Upon arriving at the Emergency Room and being directed to my son's room, I entered to find my husband already there, my son hooked up to all sorts of tubes and cords, and nurses and doctors in and out of the room. I had been smart, and used the post hole diggers to scoop the snake out of the hole before we left, and I carried it with me in the car in my Cake Holder (it has a base that you set a cake on, and a tall cover that snaps securely onto the base. I can honestly say that I am never going to use that holder again). The EMS took it in the ambulance when they met me, so it was already in the room when I got there. I was just in time to hear a few nurses laughing about "who brought cake?!" and I was still there when a nurse saw that it was the snake and commented that she "didnt want a piece of THAT cake". The laughter calmed me down slightly, because what kind of a caregiver would joke around if a patient's life was in danger? Not one that wants to keep her job. At that point I began to breathe a bit easier.
My brave little trooper stayed in the ER for about an hour or so, connected to heart rate and blood pressure monitors, an IV, and even an oxygen mask. It was funny; he had tried to take the mask off, but I told him to leave it on, so he held that little mask over his mouth till he fell asleep, and was lying there sleeping while still holding the mask on. His grandparents and aunt came to stay with us at the hospital until we knew what was going on. After a while a doctor came in, and told us how things were going. He was doing well, they had given him some antibiotics and morphine, and the swelling was up to just above his ankle. Apparently a snake bite is classified as a surgical issue, and they didnt have the ability to care for him as well as they would like at that facility, so he would be moved to Scott and White in Temple, who has a fantastic Pediatric unit. The ambulance transported him, and it was followed by his grandparents and aunt, while I ran home to grab a few important things that I had forgotten (such as my wallet) and to get changed into real clothes (I was still wearing pajama pants, a spaghetti strap top, and slippers), and my husband and his friend ran to drop off some things to a guy nearby. We all met back up at the hospital in Temple.
My baby was monitored a few more hours in yet another ER room, where the doctors told us that swelling had gone up to his knee and he would be started on anti-venom. Were he to have any negative effects from the anti-venom, he would need to be watched very closely, so he was moved to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. The room was very large, consisted of the children's hospital bed, a bed for a parent/guardian, a small table, two chairs, a glider, a wardrobe, a full bathroom, and a wide view from the 4th floor.
He had to stay hooked up to an IV the entire time, and they had to wrap that arm up really well with a piece of hard styrofoam, a washcloth, and bandages, to hold his arm still and keep him from tearing out the tube. They came and took his blood pressure every hour at first, then every two hours, and his foot was propped up to bring the swelling down. Unfortunately, he wasn't allowed to eat OR drink anything until Saturday morning. Even worse: the ICU has a rule that children under the age of 14 must always be accompanied by an adult when visiting, and small children and infants are not permitted in the area for more than 30 minutes at a time. I had to feed Levi every 3 hours; this meant that I could not stay overnight with David (because sad to say, Levi needed me more). My husband said that he was staying with David, and the entire hospital stay I only saw my husband leave his side once, for about 10 minutes. He told me to go home with Levi, and just come back in the morning. I had enough milk pumped and stored to allow my mother in law to watch him in the morning for me, and I was able to spend the better part of the daylight hours up at the hospital with them.
Of course, not before I went shopping. I went to Walmart and got David 2 balloons (one was the biggest one they had), the cartoon movie "Bolt", a book, and a few small miscellaneous toys. Oh, and I brought Starbucks for the hubby :)
You can see he was much more chill and relaxed by morning. Looks like the anti-venom and the antibiotics were doing their jobs.
He sure looked adorable wearing his new kiddie sunglasses while kickin' back to watch a movie. You can tell that at this point, he was using his bite as a means to gain lots of gifts and attention... he recieved plenty of both... and more love and prayers than he'll ever know.
There was one toy in particular that he had been given while in the ER; it had a button you press, and some LEDs spin around and put on a pretty light show. When David figured out how to press the button, he didnt want to let go of the thing. I was a bit mad when the nurse told us that upon being moved to ICU, they would need the toy back. So I bought him his own. Matter of fact, I bought him TWO.
I had managed to pump enough during the day Saturday to go back again on Sunday morning, my mother in law watching Levi again. His aunt had come by, and brought him a cool laptop, and some snacks. He spent the entire day lounging about on the hospital bed (not that he had a choice, he was still connected to his IV) and I"m pretty sure between me David and the hubby, we watched every free movie the hospital had to offer. My favorite was Dinner for Shmucks, David's favorites were Bolt (hence the reason I bought it) and How to Train your Dragon (which we already own).
By Sunday he was doing well enough to be moved out of the ICU, and into a regular Pediatric patient care room. It still had a bed for a parent/guardian, and a full bathroom and everything. By that time, he was released from his IV, and only had to get medicine every few hours, and it only took 30 minutes to administer before he could run around and play again. We were told that the way things were going, he would be released the following day! He was SO patient and good for the nurses when they would come in for his vitals. It broke my heart that my little baby was in the hospital long enough to grow accustomed to it.
He was up and active all day Sunday and Monday morning. The Pediatric unit even had a playroom, with more toys that I think he knew what to do with. I brought the laptop from home so that for the final night in the hospital, the hubby had his own toy to play with. While the internet connection was being established and tested, David tested his sunglasses for when he would finally break out of the florescents and into the sunlight :)
We knew he was probably ready to leave on Sunday by the way he ate. He never stopped eating! I even brought Subway (complete with chocolate milk). Im not sure I can recall him putting a piece of food down for more than 5 minutes before he had some other type of food in his mouth.
On Monday morning, I was able to bring Levi up to see David, while we waited for his discharge papers. His foot was still red at the bite, and the rest of his foot was all blue/purple/green...
David was very happy, I think he knew we were almost out of that hospital!!! Or maybe he thought someone else was bringing him more food. Then again, it could also have been all the pretty nurses in and out of the room. Who knows.
Hubby playing World of Warcraft in the hospital. He was very happy to have something to do! Lucky for him they had free internet in every room.
The last hour in the hospital; hubby still playing his game, little Levi sleeping in his car carrier, and David trying to sneak up on my phone (from right in front of it) to steal it from me. He's good at taking pictures of his hands. And feet. And the walls.
Happy healthy baby :)
The view out his 4th floor window. I'm surprised I was able to stand at the window long enough to take these pictures, with as afraid of heights as I am.
If you look on the far left, see there is a tiny little building in the parking lot? Our vehicles are just behind it. I can see my car from here... except it's the size of an ant. *hating heights*
Well, Monday afternoon we were able to take David home, and by Monday night he was running around outside playing as usual. It's like this entire weekend didn't even phase him at all. Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts!!! His foot is looking much better (the color should be back to normal within the week) and he has spent all morning playing with his toy toolset in the living room (I might get him to fix a few things around the house, lol). I pray to god we never have to go through this kind of thing again. But at least if we have to, I know what to do, and I know that no matter which of us gets bit (hopefully never one of the kids again) we will get through it.
Glad you posted all the pictures. It's a nice documentary of the occasion for when David is older.
ReplyDeleteProud of you David..What a trooper you are! Proud of you Crystal for your cool-headedness. Proud of you Mike for conquering that World Of War Craft (tee-hee-hee)Seriously...you're such a good Daddy..I'm proud of you too! Glad everyone has survived the nightmare. Love, Mom Mom