So... this is my blog. Well, allow me to catch you up on what has been going on so far this year. For starters, you need to know that I'm married and have a son. I live out in central Texas on 134 acres. I have a lot of animals.
This year, I have made a lot of changes to my attitude and my lifestyle. I have always been a very "laid back" person; I never did any physical activity besides walking to the next room or walking to the bus stop in high school, and I always ate whatever I wanted to whenever I wanted it. Well, in November we purchased a Nintendo Wii, and in January we visited my mother-in-law's house and saw that she also had purchased a Wii. Not only that, but she even bought a Wii Balance Board and Wii Fit Plus. I was excited to try it out, but I was very very put down by what the game told me.
Just to be clear: yes, my self esteem took a sharp drop because of a video game.
The Wii told me that my ideal body mass was 120 lbs. You can imagine how upset I was that I weighed 159 lbs at the time. A video game was telling me that I was 39 lbs overweight, right on the edge of obesity! Total crash and mental meltdown. Dear God, I'm fat. Fat people are just not attractive to me. I'm fat and ugly. Great. Thanks, video game. Great boost to my confidence. And here I'm thinking, how can my husband love me so much when I'm so much bigger than I should be? When I'm so much bigger than when we got married?
On top of that, my husband and I breed birds. All sorts of birds: chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, pheasants, turkeys, peacocks, quail, doves... lots of them. Well, the spring brings lots of eggs to be incubated. The incubator brings lots of baby chicks to take care of. It's my job to care for all the animals while my husband is at work every day. As adorable as baby chicks are, they're also very easy to kill. On accident! I have a trio of buff laced polish chickens. Only 2 hens, so I dont really get a whole bunch of polish chicks each year. Well, they are very fragile chicks. I have ONE semi older chick alive still, and 5 baby chicks that just hatched out this week. I had 7. They keep dying. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but they're my pride and joy chickens and they dont want to live when they know I'm their owner. It's very depressing.
All year, we have hatched chicks. The ducklings do well, until I miss a single day of watering them. Then they drop like flies. The pheasants, when they even decide to hatch, live about 3 days. My little seramas are finally all hatching, but dying within 24 hours, except for 3 so far. And as I said, my polish arent making it. It's like I can't keep anything alive.
My garden? It consists of 5 herbs, 4 types of peppers, and tomatoes. My tomatoes seem to be alright, my peppers are covered in aphids, and my herbs are still a little shaky. But so far, nothing dead. My guess is because they are now outside. These are the first plants I have EVER been able to keep alive. I couldnt even keep an English Ivy alive longer than a week. I'm pathetic. Honestly, a blind 4 year old could do better.
Well, that's a brief overview of a few major things in my life that have brought me down. My weight, my animals, and my garden. Oh, don't start telling me it's not that bad. There's more. But we'll get to them when we get there.
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