As a stay at home mother and wife, I have no income of my own. Everything I need is all paid for by my working husband. Which you would think is fantastic, right? Someone else is going to spend at least 40 hours every week slaving away at a job somewhere, and I get to spend their hard earned money when the check hits the bank. Except that I love my husband too much not to feel guilty about that. I actually hate the fact that he works so hard for his money, just for it to be wasted on me. Now, I know it's not ALL wasted. We need water, electricity, propane, food, diapers... these things he uses as well (or our sons use) so I dont consider them a waste. But if I want to buy a movie, or video game... or even a simple candy bar, it's my husband's money that has to pay for it. So last year, I signed up for an account at ChaCha.
I'm not sure how many of you have heard of ChaCha. Well, it's this site on the internet where you can type, text, or call in a question--any question at all about anything you can think of--and they will text you back an answer. If you work for them, you get to search these questions online and send the answers back. For every question you answer, you get a minimum of 10 cents. It doesnt sound like much, but just a little bit of time each day gets me a few dollars, and that money really adds up. It's like the work I do is going into a little savings account on the side, and when I've earned whatever I was aiming to earn, I can spend it on something special; and that "something special" is usually a gift for my husband, to thank him for everything he does for me. (His birthday is in less than a month; I want to get him something I know he'll use... I already have a basic idea in mind, but just in case he reads this I'm not going to type it). The best part is that you do everything right from your computer, so there's no money spent on gas or food for lunch... I get to stay at home with my boys and earn a little money at the same time!
Well, I haven't "ChaCha'd" in a while. After having a baby, getting pregnant again, and now having a 2 year old and a newborn, it sort of takes up all your free computer time. But today, they are having a special deal on ChaCha, that if I answer 100 questions, they'll give me an extra dollar, and I'll get another extra dollar for every 50 questions after that. And that's on top of the money I'm already earning for each question! 100 questions on it's own is at the very least 10 dollars (but it will really be more than that) so that's a tough goal for me, since I have my boys. But that money will buy my husband the best birthday present ever! <3
If you're interested in working for ChaCha answering questions (I know it's a small paycheck, but some of us housewives will do anything for a dollar of our OWN hardworked money), you can go to Become a Guide and sign up to get started. It will take a few days to process, so don't expect to start earning today, but in 2 or 3 days, you too can make a little extra on the side, right from your computer. Just like me! :)
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