I woke up early this morning, fed my four month old son, did the dishes, and baked some muffins for breakfast, to be ready when my two year old finally got out of bed. Then, with a (mostly) clean house and very little left to do in the way of chores, I brought up my cherished online game, ready to tackle the achievements and quests that the game has to offer. I completely forgot that today is Tuesday, which means that my game has it's weekly maintenance and so will be down for a couple of hours. This game is what I consider my "prize" for the amount of patience and understanding I have, being a mother of these two troublemakers. Each mom has their own little "getaway", and this is mine.
I love my boys, but I still havent figured out how they manage some of the things they do. Such as how my oldest can be playing peacefully in his room when I start lunch, and by the time I come out of the kitchen with his grilled cheese sandwich, he will have found a way into the bathroom, tearing off toilet paper one square at a time, pretending to wipe with it, then putting it in the toilet. Or how he found his way into the bathroom sink, brushing his teeth with my toothbrush. Or even how my four month old figured out how to not only roll over in his crib, but how to get to the complete other side of it and tear the musical toy off the railing and drench it in drool.
So, I started thinking of things I can do to pass the time, and remembered once again that today is Tuesday--which means time for a Top Ten! Except I didn't actually write a top ten. So this is not a top ten, about the top ten things I will do until my game is back online.
1. Give the boys a bath. It has been 3 days for the youngest and one day for the oldest since their last baths. They both enjoy their playtime in the tub, and getting clean is just an added bonus!
2. Start dinner. Days when I have lots of extra time on my hands means days that I can cook long and elaborate meals, such as the pot roast that has been sitting in the deep freezer waiting for the right time to be cooked.
3. Get up-to-date on Facebook. I go through phases where I'm on Facebook all the time, then I'm not on it more than once a week. Checking up on recent status posts, updating my own status, and seeing what all is new in the family, possibly even uploading a few more pictures from our albums.
4. Not writing a top ten. I haven't posted to my blog in a while, mostly because I haven't had anything to say that I felt was anywhere near interesting enough to share with the world. It's already a bit late in the day, so I will post this as a top ten, but it's not something I would normally write for such an awesome blog trend. But everyone has those days where they write their "not a top ten". This is mine =)
5. Reading a book. I am currently awaiting the last book in my favorite series, The Wheel of Time By Robert Jordan (the last few books finished by Brandon Sanderson after the original author passed away). Since it won't be coming out until sometime next year, my husband has bought me what seems like a billion other book series' to help me pass the time. I am currently reading the World of Warcraft books, which although not exactly based off the game, do give me a lot of background and insight into the past history of the game and its better known characters.
6. Replacing batteries. Quite a few of the kids' toys have run through their battery life, and I have been reluctant to restore them to their full volumed bells and whistles. However, we did not buy the toys for their ability to be quiet, but because the sounds keep the boys occupied and content. So, I shall finally bring the toys back to life at the risk of losing my sanity (and hearing).
7. Cleaning and re-cleaning. Keeping the house clean is an ongoing mission. It never stops, it just gets easier or harder depending on how active my son is or if my husband's friends visit that weekend. My two year old and I play this game, where every time he goes into the living room he sets up his toy animals all over the place. The lion sleeps on the couch, the rhinoceros guards the front door, the family of giraffes parade across the ottoman, and the gorillas wander across the entire floor. Then every time I go into the living room, I return them all to the "jungle", a special shelf I have designated just for his animals. Then my son returns to the living room, and the cycle repeats itself. I think it's my turn to play, because when I let the dog out this morning I'm pretty sure there was a yak on the pool table.
8. Restock diapers and wipes throughout the house. Three different rooms in my house have stacks of two different sizes of diapers and a full container of wipes. Im getting a bit low in a few rooms, and it's time to refill the wipe containers anyways (it's not fun when you run out of wipes in the middle of a very messy diaper and have to manage your way to another room for more with a wiggling baby).
9. Write out a shopping list. We are on a budget this month, since most of our money is going towards our vacation in two weeks. So since I will be going shopping this week, it is a good idea to have a list already ready, to ensure that I only buy what I need and dont get to the store and suddenly feel like I need to buy a carton of strawberries and three boxes of popcorn.
10. Sleep. Hahahaha... this one is only wishful thinking. Once my boys are awake, there is no sleeping for mommy again till after everyone is in bed that night. Now, the boys can take naps if they feel like it, but the moment my head hits the pillow they are wide awake and either hungry or extremely hyper.
Well, looks like I found a few things to do today after all. =)
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