1. I love ♥ his Cowboy style. Don't get me wrong, I am one of the first people to tell you that it's what's on the INSIDE that counts. But my husband has it all, both inside and out. The first time I laid eyes on him, I fell in love with him. He was wearing tight blue jeans, a button up shirt, cowboy boots, a black Stetson cowboy hat, and the biggest belt buckle I had ever seen. He was country cowboy from his head down to his boots. He doesnt dress like that all the time, which doesnt matter because I think he looks good no matter what he's wearing, but whenever he gets dressed up all cowboy style, I get flashbacks of the first time we met, and I fall in love all over again.

3. I love ♥ how hard he tries. My husband is in a constant state of denial about just how good we have it out here. He looks at every dollar we dont have, instead of every dollar we do, and he sees every problem we have instead of every problem we dont. In a way, you might consider that a flaw. But it's those thoughts that lead him to be so thoughtful and caring. It's because of those thoughts that he works harder and tries his best to get me anything I could ever need/want. And I will never get tired of reminding him that all I need is him. Seeing how hard he tries is what lets me know how much he cares.
4. I love ♥ his architectural skills. And his mechanical skills. And his technological skills. Okay, I just love his skills. He can build anything he thinks of, from remodeling the bathroom to building new bird cages to building a trebuchet (kinda like a catapult). He can change a tire, change the oil, change the headlight lamp when it blows. He can fix my car's A/C or completely replace his truck's clutch. He rewired the entire house and built me a computer from parts he ordered. Is there anything my hubby can't do?
5. I love ♥ that he supports my hobbies. No matter what I like to do, whether it's knit and crochet, start a garden, skinning and tanning furs, or reading a 15 book series, my husband is right there to support it. He helps me research what I'm going to do and find out the best ways to get started. He buys me any and all supplies I might need, and he asks around at work to see if anyone's wives do the same things or have any advice. Even if he has no interest in ever doing it himself (like with blogging) he still stands behind me and encourages me.
6. I love ♥ what we have in common. From things so simple as "we both like the Harry Potter movies" to things as complicated as "we can both glide through Calculus", the things we have in common-- both big and small-- bring us together and give us plenty to bond over and talk about for hours. We both like movies, and so our collection is enormous. We both like animals, and we have a farm full to prove it. We both like all the same foods, so I know that he will eat anything I cook.

7. I love ♥ what we dont have in common. Our differences tend to compliment each other. For example, he doesnt like to read, and I love to read. So during long car trips, I will bring along a book and read it to him aloud as he drives. He's a dog person, I'm a cat person. He likes it more outdoors, whereas I prefer the safety and comfort inside. If we had everything in common, our lives would be so boring. But because of our differences, we always have something new to talk about, and new things to learn and teach each other.
8. I love ♥ his affection. I love when he hugs me just because he can. When I'm cooking or cleaning, and he comes over and puts his arms around me and smiles. When I'm being a geek or a nerd, and he laughs at me, but when I turn around to look at him he has such a look of love in his eyes. When we're driving to town and he holds my hand in the car. I love all those little moments.
PS: Thank you sweetie, for giving me the Red Qiraji Battle Tank, when you won it. You knew how rare it was, and you still gave it to me. I love you. ♥ xoxo
9. I love ♥ his personality. He's funny, he's smart, he's talented... but he doesn't brag about anything. I think I could write a book about everything I love about him, but since I only have room for 10 today, I think I will leave it at "his personality." Just everything about him.
10. I know it's über nerdy, but because of our shared passion for it, it belongs in the Top Ten.
I love ♥ that he plays World of Warcraft. It is a computer game that has taken over the geek world, and although it has been around for years already, it is constantly growing in popularity. I picked it up myself in Nuclear School and I was hooked instantly. I introduced everyone I knew to this game, and I was thrilled to see my hubby pick it up as well. As a matter of fact, I think he's better at it than I am! Apart from a small twinge of jealousy, that thought makes me insanely happy. Because when he's good at something, he sticks with it.
We get online and play together and with our friends, and we can give each other gifts and things in-game. We can even send each other little messages back and forth (which is funny since our computers are in the same room, so we're right near each other when we send them). World of Warcraft, however addicting a game it might be, is a great bonding tool for my husband and I. When we can't go out on a date in the real world, whether because of a lack of a babysitter or lack of expendable cash or lack of time, we can always go in-game... we can fly on the wings of magical creatures, and soar above mystical lands. We can set up a Great Feast and have a picnic on top of a waterfall. We can explore mountains and caves, swamps and forests. We can relax and go fishing! Or go on an adventure through a dungeon, fighting side by side. The possibilities are endless, and I'm proud to share them with my hubby.
I have half a million other reasons I love my husband, but today was only about 10. Why do you love your significant other? :)
This has got to be the sweetest post I've ever read. :)
ReplyDeleteThis post gave me the warm fuzzies. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteSo sweet! You are both so lucky to have each other!