In honor of this new segment to my blog, "A Few Honest Words", I'm going to kickstart the honesty with a Top Ten!
- Dishes that have caked-on food and need to be scrubbed get tossed in a sink full of hot water and left there until I feel like getting back to them; my excuse is always "They need to soak first." Sometimes they can be left like that for a day or two.
- When I first started my workout program, I would check off "daily fruit" and "daily water" before I actually had them, so by the end of the day if I missed one, I still felt like I was on the right track. I never corrected the ones I missed.
- When my kids get sent to their room together for doing something wrong, and I'm trying to get cleaning or cooking done, I put on a movie for them to keep them occupied, so I don't have to hear them crying and screaming at me while I'm trying to work.
- I have been blogging since May 27, 2010. As often as I say that my hubby supports me in all that I do, I don't think he has ever read a single one of my posts. Last night I finally stepped up and told him it upsets me.
- I'm on antidepressants. I'm supposed to take one in the morning and one in the evening. At least three times a week, I forget to take the one in the evening.
- When I'm alone and in a bad mood, I sometimes imagine certain people being in the room so I can yell at them for all the things they do that make me mad. I have no idea what someone will say if they ever catch me while I'm doing this.
- At least 75% of my time on Facebook is spent on my own Wall. Very rarely do I ever actually go to someone else's Wall, and only once or twice a day do I look at what's in my News Feed.
- If I'm sweeping the house and I KNOW that I've accidentally swept something under the couch, I'll leave it there until the one time a week I move the couches. Even if that's not for another 6 days.
- I wear the same pair of jeans or shorts twice in a row if I didn't step outside the house the day before.
- As easy as laundry is to do, I hate folding and hanging. Sometimes a laundry basket of clean clothes can sit in my room for a week before I force myself to put it away. And only then because there are no more bras or jeans in my dresser.
Got anything you'd like to 'fess up to this week?
I'm right there with you on number 6 and number 9.
ReplyDeleteMy rants and one sided conversations are usually held in the shower.
And there's nothing wrong at all with wearing the same clothes again, if you hadn't dirtied them the first time.
High five for cleaning under your couches once a week (I cant remember the last time I cleaned under mine!) and I do the same thing with clean laundry :) love your list!