Originally, it was just a few tomato plants, some peppers, and some herbs. But I wanted a vineyard (well, really I just wanted a few grapes) so my hubby surprised me by bringing home 6 different types of grapes (2 of each) and some blueberry and raspberry bushes. I already had a lemon tree, which I planted in the corner of the yard, and I had already decided on a nice corner behind the house for my veggies. Well, we have a huge pasture beside the yard, and we decided that it would be a great place for a vineyard. So I mapped it all out on paint :)

Behind the house, I will have my garden. It will have 2 rows of 6 tomato plants per row. Then it will have a row of peppers, both 2 serrano and 3 jalapeno. Then a row of 9 green peppers, and it will end with a row of 9 red peppers. Along one side of the garden will be a planter box raised up 6 inches or so with parsley, sage, mint, and 2 types of basil. On the other side, between the fence and the garden, will be 2 lemon trees. On the other side of the fence, in line with the top lemon tree, will be 4 bushes. 2 Blueberry and 2 raspberry. On the other side of the bushes, in line with both lemon trees, will be 2 more trees but I'm not sure what kind they will be. I may go with more lemons, or limes, or I would love some grapefruit trees. And below the bushes, between the trees, is my vineyard. It's going to be 2 rows, 100 feet long each.
I have to see how the cows are around the grapes. If they spend too much time there or try to eat them, I will have to fence in the vineyard. In that case, I will fence around it and connect it to the yard fence, and there is a gate into the yard next to a lemon tree that I can take out, so I can walk straight into my vineyard from the back yard.
I'm not going to get any lemons this year, and I don't know about grapes just yet, but I know I already have a serrano pepper growing, and all of my serranos and jalapenos are flowering. I have a green pepper flowering too, and most of my tomatoes. So I am excited about growing some veggies... I have never been able to get anything to grow before. I used to have an English Ivy plant a few years ago... I couldnt even keep that alive. So wish me luck, and a good harvest!
I'm so jealous!